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  • Writer's pictureAmirmasoud Agharebparast

Received AFIAP Distinction

I just being informed that I am awarded the distinction Artist FIAP (AFIAP) which is an artistic distinction awarded by Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique to photographic artists whose artistic qualities, technique and production of work have been acknowledged through their participation in international salons.

The candidate for this distinction must:

A - Have taken part with success in international salons under FIAP Patronage for at least 1 year

B - Have taken part with success in at least 15 international salons under FIAP Patronage in at least 8 different countries.

C - Have obtained at least 40 acceptances with at least 15 different works in international salons.

D - Include in his works a minimum of 4 different works, which have each received at least one acceptance in “Print” salons under FIAP Patronage.

* Copied from official website of FIAP


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